Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What is faith if not a hope of things unseen?  Yes, I understand there is that caveat of those things needing to be true, but how do we verify their verity without first hoping for them?  

I've been reflecting A LOT lately on what principles I want to put my faith in.  I truly desire to be an honest seeker of truth.  So, I figure I have to start somewhere.  Here is where I am starting:

* I want to believe in an eternally just, infinitely merciful Heavenly Father.
* I want to believe in the inherent dignity of humanity.
* I want to believe that TRUTH transcends seeming inconsistencies in all other matters.
* I want to believe that God loves the individual.
* I want to believe that becoming something is more important than doing something (though the two are linked).
* I want to believe in the doctrine of repentance and redemption.
* I want to believe in the beauty of grace.
* I want to believe that there is room for people to be messy and inconsistent.
* I want to believe in a God who is all-powerful and can work with the incongruities men and women bring about.
* I want to believe in a God whose business is people.
* I want to believe that even flawed folks can fulfill divine callings.
* I want to believe that divine callings can be fulfilled by flawed folk.
* I want to believe that those who fulfill divine callings are flawed folk (just like me).
* I want to leave room for the flaws of others.
* I want to leave room for the flaws of my shared history.
* I want to leave room for the flaws of my personal history.
* I want to learn to truly, truly love the individual.
* I want to honor the dignities found in differing perspectives and see them as reflections of a greater whole without sanitizing them or warping them to fit my own schema.
* I want to honor mystery and reverence the unknown.
* I want to find God in the nuances.
* I want to believe we do not know it all.
* I want to discuss the wholeness of the human experience and give place for the ugliness as well as the beauty.
* I want to find unity as an "us" without the divisiveness of a "them."

These are the pillars of my truth-seeking.  These are the tones that resonate in the deepest chambers of my soul. 

In a tumultuous and confusing world, it's a place to start...

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