Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stuff I've Read...

A good friend of mine had a fantastic idea.  She let me tag along as she shopped for this fantastic idea.  She wasn't even offended when I imitated her fantastic idea.  

What was this fantastic idea, you may ask (or may not, but Imma tell you anyway)?


She determined to keep a variety of journals to document her life. She already had a journal specific to her travels (she writes one page per trip).  She has a dream journal and some other types (I can't remember them right now).  I decided to follow suit.  I started with high hopes and energy, but like most things (such as my Master's degree), I kinda pooped out.

There is one that I've kept up on more than others, however.  That is my book log.  The idea was to write a quick summary and some reactions to the books I read.  Recently I've gotten as far as writing down the titles.  And here they are for your perusal:

Summer '10
Melody Beatty
Codependent No More
Beyond Codependency
The New Codependency

John Powell
Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?

Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love

Paolo Coelho
The Alchemist

Victor Frankl
Man's Search for Meaning

Sergio F. Bambaren
The Dolphin

Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

August-December '10
JK Rowling
The Harry Potter Series (1-7)

September-October '10
Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements

October-November '10
Keven and Hannah Selwen
The Power of Half

Christopher McDougal
Born to Run

December '10
Laura Munson
This is Not the Story You Think It Is

January-February '11
Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird

February-March '11
Brent Landau (translation)
The Revelation of the Magi

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince

April '11
Yann Martel
Beatrice and Virgil

Richard Rhodes
Deadly Feasts

October '11
Kathryn Stockett
The Help

November-December '11
William Goldman
The Princess Bride

Late '11-Early '12
JK Rowling
The Harry Potter Series (1-7)

January 5, 2012
I'm unsure of the author
I'm also unsure of the title of the book--I read it at my friend's house while I was waiting for her.  It was a quaint little guide to raising chickens.  The author was a little old lady who originated from Britain.

January '12
Martha Brockenbrough
Things That Make Us [SIC]

Stephen Colbert
I Am America (and so can you!)

Cormac McCarthy
The Road

February '12
Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire

John Krakauer
Into Thin Air

March '12
CS Lewis
The Magician's Nephew

Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games

As you can see, I am a serial reader.  I re-read books just as I re-watch movies.  I find a lot of comfort in that.  Besides, I once heard a quote that a truly literate person is one who revisits books time and time again.  I'm sure the one who uttered those words did not have The Harry Potter series in mind...

Keeping a journal of sorts about my adventures in books has made me feel more accountable.  There is a slight pressure on my shoulders to seek out and find a wider variety of books.  I do not naturally gravitate toward non-fiction, so if you have suggestions, send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. It's frustrating how graduate school keeps interfering with my reading (among other things frustrating about that).

    I've been working my way through a bunch of non-fiction books, one topic for each letter of the alphabet, and have fallen in love with non-fiction.
