Monday, November 28, 2011


Lately I've been a complainer.  More than usual.  So, after a lengthy bout of complaining to a dear, dear friend of mine, she gave me a challenge. I am to write one sentence (or more) every day in my blog of something I accomplished during my waking hours (well, I added the last part, but what I accomplish during my slumbering hours is hardly up to my conscious control).

How grateful I am for this challenge!  I often have wonderful things happen during the course of any given day but get lazy about recording them and eventually I forget.  So, without further ado, here is what I deem worthy of recording for posterity (or the two people who may be reading this)...

At school today, I dissected owl pellets with my kids.  We had such a fun day together!  At first, no one wanted to touch the dun-colored lumps of fur, but once the enthusiasm caught on, they couldn't keep their hands out of them.  We found rodent skulls, spines, teeth, phalanges (hee hee), and even an intact rodent foreleg!  We excitedly showed each other what we uncovered from the mound of tightly bound fur.  We yelled across the room.  We rushed over to other tables to peek at their owl vomit discoveries.  We poked and prodded and pulled apart.  We reassembled the skeletal remains we could find.  This, dear friends, THIS is what school should be--engaging.  

At home today, I got my cooking on.  My roommate and I have joined the local Community Supported Agriculture and so we get fresh produce every Tuesday.  We're a tad behind on using up the produce from weeks past, so she made an AMAZING butternut squash soup yesterday and I pulled together a couple of pasta sauce concoctions to drizzle over some spaghetti squash.  I do love cooking and am so happy when I get to cook for people...

I suppose I do accomplish more in a given day than simply wearing out my voice in exasperated yelling.  Each day is a gift and how grateful I am for the gentle reminder.  Thanks, BJ.

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