Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perhaps It's More a Commentary on Men...

I always hated references to women freaking out on men and bashing in their trucks with a baseball bat. Or a crowbar.  Or whatever.  I felt as if they portrayed women in a bad light--as if women are volatile and ready to snap at any second.

I may have changed my mind.

Instead of bashing in your truck, however, I found great pleasure and relish in smashing that stupid jewelry box into thousands of pieces on the cement outside my bedroom.  I'm hoping I can find more large pieces tomorrow morning when the sun comes up so I can throw them again.  

I also unfriended you on Facebook.

So, it's not as dramatic as I wish it could be, but my rampage will not land me a police record.

And, you're still a jerk.  I just don't have to be reminded about it when I look at my jewelry anymore...

1 comment:

  1. Yea!!!

    A dear friend of mine had a bonfire once and that was very cleansing.
